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Top 10 Job Interview Tips

Good style
    Get there on time, dress appropriately and behave as the guest you are.

Think about your body language
    Think about the body language, straighten your back, give a firm handshake and look the interviewer in the eyes.

Be prepared
    Remember to bring the job ad, your application, your CV and other relevant documents. Note the name of the contact person and a telephone number to be able to ask for the right person at the reception and know who you are visiting. If possible find relevant information about the person you are about to meet.

Remember the gaps in your CV or Competence
    If you have some gaps in your CV or in your competences, remember that the recruiter / headhunter will ask for these gaps. Be prepared and have an answer ready for the question you probably will be asked.

Know the company
    Do some research on the company, know more than just what’s in the job ad. Prepare some question so that they can see that you know more then what has been disclosed to you.

Prepare for your answers  for the normal interview questions
    The question you will get to the job interview is of course depending on the job’s sector and type, responsibilities and tasks, but be sure to be prepared for the basic question, like:

        Tell us about yourself?
        Why are you applying for this job?
        Which expectations do you have to the job or the tasks?
        What are your strongest areas? – for instance have some concrete examples on your successes or your strongest competences.
        What are your weak areas? – have some examples ready on what you think is hard, and how you cope with these challenges.
        What do you expect from an employer / manager?
        Why should we choose you for the job?
        What are your career goals on medium to long term?
        What are your expectations to your salary?
        Do you have any further questions?

Prepare your questions
        Focus your question and on what is asked from you.
        What are the most important tasks in the job?
        Which possibilities are there for further development of your competences?
        How is the culture in the company?
        What do they appreciate in an employee?
        Why should I choose this job?
        Why would you like to work here?
        Who will be my manager and which colleagues will I have the closet working relations with?
        Do you have an introductory course for new employees?

Avoid negative stories
    Negativity don’t sell, remember not to talk negative about former managers or colleagues. If you have had some bad experiences, try to turn it into something positive. What did you learn from this negative experience?
Be present and participate on equal terms with the interviewer
    Be present, listen to the question and be honest and give them your best answer, show them that your dedicated. Newer tell a lie, it will get back to you like a boomerang.

If possible offer the references
    If you decide to disclose your references, remember to have them prepared before the interview.