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intel interview questions – 2023

intel interview questions – 2023

intel interview questions - 2023

Intel Interview questions

Preparing for your upcoming Intel interview? Look no further! This article is your go-to resource for insights into Intel’s interview process, covering a range of topics from coding challenges to systems design and behavioral attributes.

As a global leader in semiconductor design and manufacturing, Intel stands at the forefront of technological innovation. Renowned for producing cutting-edge products such as processors, Graphic Processing Units, Microcontrollers, Modems, and Network Interface Controllers, Intel offers a diverse and dynamic work environment. Ranked among the top 50 highest revenue-generating companies, Intel is consistently recognized as one of the best places to work.

Dive into our comprehensive guide to Intel interview questions, tailored for software engineers, coding enthusiasts, software developers, engineering managers, and tech leads. Gain valuable insights into the coding challenges you might encounter, explore systems design scenarios, and understand the behavioral attributes that Intel values in its candidates.

At Intel, initiative, ownership, and leadership are highly encouraged, contributing to a culturally diverse workplace. The company’s commitment is reflected in competitive salaries, with Intel software engineers enjoying an average income of $119,677.

Gear up for success with our interview-ready resources, including a technical interview checklist, an extensive interview questions page, and a salary negotiation e-book. Ace your Intel interview confidently and pave the way for a rewarding career in one of the tech industry’s powerhouses!

Here’s a quick look at what we’ll discuss:

  1. Intel Interview Process
  2. Intel Software Engineer Interview Questions
  3. Intel Interview Questions on Coding
  4. Intel Interview Questions on Distributed Systems Design
  5. Intel Behavioral Interview Questions
  6. Tips to Crack the Intel Interview

Intel’s interview process typically tests your problem-solving and analytical programming skills. The main points of the interview are as follows:

1. Intel Interview Process

Intel’s interview process typically tests your problem-solving and analytical programming skills. The main points of the interview are as follows:

  • Coding questions
  • System design questions
  • Behavioral questions

Let’s take a closer look at the interview process.

Recruiter Screen

The Recruiting Screen is the first round where an Intel Human Resources recruiter tells you about the open position and learns about your interests. The Intel interview questions in this round are mostly related to your experience, previous organizations you have worked for, skill set and general role expectations.

The recruiter will also receive information about your current and expected fees. If your skills and experience meet the requirements of the role, you will be invited to a technical phone screen interview.

Technical Phone Screen Interview

This phase primarily assesses your programming and problem-solving proficiency. Your coding capabilities are scrutinized through a problem that necessitates the application of core data structure concepts. During the Technical Phone Screen, you’ll be tasked with coding an algorithm and determining the most optimal solution for the presented problem.

Typically, you’ll be presented with one or two coding problems of easy to medium difficulty in the Technical Phone Screen round. The hiring manager may also modify the problem statement to gauge your problem-solving approach and your ability to consider multiple variables.

Upon achieving satisfactory results in the Technical Phone Screen, you’ll progress to the Intel On-site interview.

On-site Interview

During the on-site assessment, your coding and systems design competencies are thoroughly evaluated. Additionally, there is a segment dedicated to behavioral and soft skills. In this round, you will face a series of inquiries related to your strengths, previous professional experiences, workplace demeanor, and ethical considerations.

The on-site Intel interview will usually have these rounds:

  • 1-2 coding rounds
  • 1-2 systems design rounds
  • One domain round
  • One behavioral round

Intel Software Engineer Interview Questions

This Intel interview questions section covers sample questions you can expect in an Intel interview. It includes Intel Coding Interview Questions, Intel Systems Design Questions and Behavioral Interview Questions.

Intel Interview Questions on Coding for Software Engineers

Intel interview questions about coding are mostly about basic data structures and graphics algorithms. Below are the important coding questions asked:-

  1. Recursions
  2. Trees and Graphs
  3. Hash Table and queues
  4. Arrays, Strings and linked lists
  5. Sorting algorithms
  6. Graph algorithms
  7. Dynamic programming

Sample coding interview questions asked at the Intel interview:

  1. Given a string “S” containing a set of words, transform it such that the words appear in the reverse order. One or more spaces separate words in “S”.
  2. Given an unsorted set of numbers from 1 to N with exactly two missing numbers, find those two missing numbers.
  3. You are given an array of integers, arr, of size n, analogous to a continuous stream of integers input. Your task is to find “K” largest elements from a given stream of numbers.
  4. Given a sequence, return its next lexicographically greater permutation. If such a permutation does not exist, then return it in ascending order.
  5. a) Given A Graph, Build A New One With Reversed Edges b) Given a strongly connected directed graph, build a new graph with the same number of nodes but every edge reversed. This is also called transposing a graph.
  6. Implement an iterator over a binary tree with integer values. Your iterator will be initialized with the root node.
    1. next() method must return the next number in the in-order traversal of the tree.
    2. hasNext() method must return whether the next element exists.
  7. Given an integer array arr of size n, find all magic triplets in it. A Magic triplet is a group of three numbers whose sum is zero.
  8. Given a binary tree “T,” write a code to generate the mirror image of the tree.
  9. Given a variety of coin types defining a currency system, find the minimum number of coins required to express a given amount of money. Assume an infinite supply of coins of every type.
  10. Given a partially filled two-dimensional integer array, fill all the empty cells such that each row, each column, and each 3 x 3 subgrid (as highlighted below by bolder lines) has every digit from 1 to 9 exactly once

For more problems you can visit:-

Intel System Design Interview Questions

This round assesses your understanding of concepts in scalable systems design. The following are crucial topics for the systems design interview at Intel:

  1. Concurrency
  2. Sharding techniques
  3. Caching and Loading
  4. Processing Systems
  5. Optimizing system performance
  6. Systems Design Case Studies
  7. API modeling
  8. Network Protocols

Sample systems design interview questions:

  1. What design requirements would you consider while designing a file-sharing system like Dropbox?
  2. How would you ensure the overall security of a scalable system?
  3. What are your thoughts on the server requirements for an e-commerce website like Amazon?
  4. What design aspects would you consider while designing a cab-hailing service like Uber?
  5. What is a Proximity server, and how would you design one?

Intel Behavioral Interview Questions

Behavioral interview questions essentially test your ability to respond optimally to challenges in the workplace and your general attitude towards professional and personal situations. Below is an example of behavioral interview questions asked in an Intel interview:

  1. How do you prioritize your tasks at work, especially on a day when you have multiple tasks that need to be completed?
  2. How do you manage work-life stress?
  3. How do you ensure to stay motivated and driven towards work?
  4. What habits do you think are important for an ideal work-life balance?
  5. Why do you want to work at Intel?
  6. Tell us about a time when you had a disagreement with a superior?
  7. Tell us about a time when you had to work long hours to meet deadlines. How did you deal with it, and how did it affect you?
  8. How often do you think it’s necessary to take a vacation?

Additional questions:-

  • Write the most efficient algorithm to find square/square root of a number.
  • Write the most efficient algorithm to find if a number is prime or not.
  • At Bit level, how will you find if a number is a power of 2 or not.
  • What is call by value, call by reference in C language.
  • Swap two numbers using XOR
  • What are various storage classifiers and quantifiers in C.
  • What is a semaphore? Explain in detail.
  • What is an interrupt. How does a processor handle an interrupt?
  • What is the exact role of Memory Management Unit?
  • You are Intel’s representative for India and you are about to board a flight to US for a very very important billion dollar deal. But at the airport you are asked for a bribe of Rs500/-
  • counter questions on project
  • reverse a linklist both way iterative and recursive
  • some c++ concepts like virtual function,copy constructure etc.(give some example also)
  • they asked os concepts like scheduling, paging, segmentation, virtual memory, physical memory, cache, thread, semaphor etc.
  • one simple apti. problem based on time speed and distance
  • Which part of the memory is allocated, when malloc and calloc are called for any variable?
  • How would you measure the stack space without using the task manager, when an application is running on a computer? Write an algorithm if possible!!!
  • What is a virtual function?
  • Difference between int* const c and const int* c?
  • What are cache and TLB?
  • What is SQL Injection?  
  • What is Buffer overflow?
  • How to prevent our system from these types of attacks?

For more questions visit:-

For information relate Tech monastic visit here:- techmonastic questions

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